Google+ races to 25 million users

Fastest ever website to landmark figure

Google+ - strong start

Google+ has reached a key landmark, with ComScore suggesting that the new social network has become the fastest website to reach an audience of 25 million.

With the likes of Google Wave and Google Buzz not hitting the mark, there was huge pressure on Google+ to succeed.

And, internet metrics giant ComScore suggests that not only has it succeeded in hitting 25 million users, but that it ahs managed it in record time for an internet site.

One million Brits

Of that, the UK is supplying around one million subscribers, with the US leading the way with 6 million unique users. Canada is providing another million, with approximately 920,000 German Google+ users.

The early buzz around Google+ has been positive, with the service providing the neat trick of 'circles' of friends and followers that allow a more targeted way of sharing information.

It took the current number one social network Facebook three years to hit the 25 million mark, and Twitter 30 months, according to news wire Reuters. 
